You cannot watch TV or pick up a magazine without seeing tragedy. Do you change the channel, turn the page or do you try to help? Billions of people around the world are dying needlessly or suffering from preventable diseases because they have no access to the basic medical care that we come to expect and often take for granted. Women are giving birth in the streets and children are dying due to lack of basic medication.
It is my life mission to take action and help as many people as I can but I cannot do it without your help. The need is great and at times I have an overwhelming sense of inadequacy in the face of such monumental suffering. I only have to recall the face of one child or woman whose life I have saved to renew my belief in what we humans are able to accomplish when we all work together for a common purpose.
I developed Dr. Paula's Skin Care with the same passion that I approach my life's mission to help people. My goal is to offer you a premium alternative to the "as seen on TV" drugstore approach products that simply do NOT get the job done. My skincare products are very effective and targeted to treat your specific issues such as acne, hyper pigmentation, wrinkles and fine lines. If you are tired of spending money on multiple products that don't do justice to your beautiful skin it is time to make a change for good.
Profits help fund medical care where my team of health care providers and I travel to desperately impoverished areas such as Africa, Haiti and Nepal. On my mission to Haiti I wondered if God had forgotten them but I was told there is a saying there that "God gives but people share".
Each time you make a purchase for a skincare product you make a choice. You can choose to buy my products that come with a free consultation and the strongest 100% satisfaction guarantee in the skincare business and help fund essential mission work, or you can buy products from a giant for profit corporation that offers much less.
I want to see every one of my supporters with beautiful skin so I urge you to take advantage of my FREE $147 skincare consultation where my aestheticians and I will personally recommend the perfect skincare regimen for you. After you make a purchase we are available to you for any questions or concerns you may have.
Thanks for stopping by.
- Dr. Paula Dhanda